Yellowstone is an American Neo-western drama series created and directed by Taylor Sheridan and John Linson for Paramount Network. The series follows the Dutton family and their conflicts with an Indian reservation with whom they share borders with.
Plot Synopsis[]
“ | Yellowstone follows "the Dutton family, led by John Dutton, who controls the largest contiguous ranch in the United States.
The ranch is under constant attack by those it borders—land developers, an Indian reservation, and United States of America's first National Park. It is an intense study of a violent world far from media scrutiny, where land grabs earn developers billions, and politicians are bought and sold by the world's largest oil and lumber corporations. Where unsolved murders are not news, they are a consequence of living in the new frontier. It is the best and worst of the United States as seen through the eyes of a family that represents both. |
” |
–Official Paramount Network Synopsis |
Main Characters[]
Crew Members[]
Executive Producers[]
Costume Designer[]
Episode titles in Yellowstone can often be seen as spoilers without context, as they usually don't make sense until the viewer has seen the episode and has an understanding of everything that went down.